Saturday, January 3, 2015

Awesome Visual on The Origins of 15 Commonly Used Words

January 3, 2015
Here is an interesting visual to take you into a short etymological journey to discover the origins of some commonly used words in the contemporary discourse. Surprisingly enough, all of these terms originated in the realm of literature. The visual below traces the literary origins of 15 words. For each of these terms it provides the year and the literary work where it was first used and a short definition of what it means. For instance, the word "nerd" was first used by Dr. Seuss (1950) in 'If I Ran The Zoo'; Cyberspace was first appeared in William Gibson's "Neuromancer"; and Yahoo is a term coined by Jonathan Swift and was used in his " Gulliver's Travels" around 1726. Read on to learn more about the literary origins of other commonly used terms.

This visual is created by  Love Reading

Awesome Visual on The Origins of 15 Commonly Used Words

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