Saturday, January 3, 2015

Over 260 MOOCs Are Now Available for Your Professional Development

January 3, 2015
Open Culture has just released a new list of more than 260 MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)that will take place during this month. The courses span different disciplines and subjects from digital learning to global health issues.Courses are arranged by start date, while evergreen courses, which can begin whenever you wish, are found at the bottom. Also, most of these courses offer  �certificates� or �statements of completion,� though typically not university credit. A �$� indicates that the course is free, but the credential costs money.

I spent sometime perusing through this list of MOOCs and picked out the 6 courses that stood out to me. You can check the full list from this LINK.

Courtesy of Cool Cat Teacher through whom I learned about these resources.

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