Thursday, January 15, 2015

Two Google Updates Teachers Should Know about

January 15, 2015
Over the last couple of days Google has been releasing a bunch of interesting updates to some of its services. The most important update in this regard is the release of Google Classroom for both iPad and Android which we have covered in a previous post. In this post we are sharing with you two other newly released updates from Google. These concern Google Sheets and Google Translator.

1- Google Sheets
Users of Spreadsheets can now add graphics and logos to the head cells of theirr spreadsheet to make it look neater. To add a graphic or a logo, head over to your spreadsheet, click on �menu� and choose� image�. Once the logo is added you can then resize it the way you want.

productivity tips

  2- Google Translate updates
Google Translate has witnessed two major updates: The first one is the addition of real-time voice translation for both Android and iOS. The second major update is Word Lens which allows users to point their cameras at a picture or a sign and the app will translate it in instantly. For now this features supports the following languages only: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Russia.

Watch the video to learn more about these features.

Courtesy of The Next Web

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