Sunday, January 4, 2015

Problem Based Learning Explained for Teachers

January 4, 2015
Project based learning and problem based learning are two didactic approaches to learning that are often used interchangeably to refer to the same thing: engaging students in authentic learning activities. This truism does not always hold true. In a learning task that is problem based, the focus is on finding solutions to the problem posed through applying learned strategies and in so doing the process of arriving at the solution is, in and of itself, an integral part of the overall learning taking place . Also, Problem based learning is different from project based learning in terms of the length or timeframe of the activities. While projects in project based learning stretch over a lengthy period of time, activities in problem based learning tend to be relatively short.

To learn more about problem-based learning, here is  a set of useful videos explaining what PBL is all about:

1- What is PBL by 5kumarkak

2- Problem Based Learning at Stenden University

3-  Problem Based Learning by Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

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