Wednesday, October 29, 2014

9 Interesting Tips A Parent Can Help With Reading

October 29, 2014
Here is a good visual I came across in my archive featuring 9 ways a parent can help with reading. The ideas are pretty basic and and some are commonsensical but they are really a good refresher of what you, as a parent, should pay attention to in order to help your kids become better readers.The only thing missing from this visual is the digital component for instance suggestions on apps and web tools to helps kids with their reading).

Here is a round-up of the 9 ways a parent can help with reading:

1- Let your child see you reading
2- Help your child find appropriate word and reading games on the computer. Keep a dictionary on hand. Help your child look up new words they read or hear.
3- Read mysteries with your child and try to figure out the clues together.Movie version coming out? 4- Read the book together first, then talk about which you liked better.
5- Set aside a time and place for your child to read, like a comfy chair and a reading light in a quiet place.
6- Visit your public library regularly. Look for and read together the books that were your favourites when you were a kid
7- Encourage your child to write: letters, thank you notes, emails, journals, lists, stories about their own trips, events, and daily life.
8- As your child questions about what he/she is reading, such as :
  • What is the story about? 
  • Who are the important characters in the story? 
  • Where does the story take place? 
  • Why did that happen? 
  • How did you know about�? 
  • Would you recommend this book to your friends?
9- Ask your child to draw a comic strip about what happened in the story. Provide word searches, crossword and other word games and puzzles, or help your child make his/her own.

Source of the infographic : For The Teachers Blog

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