Monday, October 27, 2014

Great Resources and Lesson Plans for Teaching Kids about Ebola

October, 2014
Since the time World Health Organization (WHO) declared it an epidemic, Ebola virus has been making the news all over the world. As a deadly virus, Ebola has killed hundreds of people all of them in west Africa ( barring the one who died a few weeks ago in the States) and more specifically Liberia where the outbreak was first detected. As Ebola continues to make the front page news, it becomes imperative that teachers should be well-informed about this epidemic in order to help in raising  awareness among their students about the different aspects of this virus. I have done some research into this topic and compiled for you this list of resources that you can use to teach your kids and students about Ebola. I only included materials from highly trusted websites.

Note: Some images and descriptions contained in the Ebola resources below may not be suitable for all ages. Teachers should use their discretion.

1- What is Ebla
Here is an excellent video from CNN that explains Ebola in a very clear and comprehensible language.

2- New York Times Resources on Ebola
In this section, you will find some  quick ideas for teaching about the Ebola outbreak in one or two class periods, all grounded in The Times�s continuously-updated Ebola Q & A.

In this section you will find a set of lesson plans from the popular PBS on the Ebola virus.

In this movie, you�ll learn about germs and how to wash your hands the right way�with soap and warm water. You'll also learn when you should wash your hands, like before and after eating, after playing with a pet, and after going to the bathroom. How long should you take to wash your hands? Watch the movie to find out!

5- Student Discussion Guide
Education World has this excellent page where you can learn more about the history of Ebola together with some resources to use with your students.

6- Washington Post Ebola Tips
This is a great article from Washington Post featuring 5 tips for talking to your kids about Ebola.

7- American Academy of Pediatrics
This one contains tons of resources and materials to help your students better understand and learn about Ebola.

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