Sunday, October 19, 2014

Over 300 Free Comic Strip Printables to Enhance Students Writing and Thinking Skills

October 19, 2014
Comic strips are good learning tools to use with students to get them engaged and to motivate them to write. They can also be used for storytelling where students get to narrate a story drawing on a multitude of ready-made characters, or in the case of ESL/EFL students, be used to teach English. There are, in fact, several other ways to use comic strips in class and this post features some interesting samples.

Today I want to share with you this excellent resource from Make Beliefs Comix. As you probably know, Make Beliefs Comix is one of the tools we  featured in  "The Best Tools to Teach Writing Through Comics". Make Belief has compiled more than 350 free comic printables that teachers and parents can download and use with students. These printables are arranged into more than 40 categories.

"The printables encourage writing and thinking in a quick and fun way. A student's efforts to complete the printable can then become the first step in writing longer essays, poems or stories on the same subject. The printables also can be used with students enrolled in literacy and English-As-Second Language (ESL, ESOL) programs and provide an educational resource for teaching language arts."

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