Tuesday, October 28, 2014

10 Tips for Close Reading Success

October 28, 2014
Reading well requires much more than just decoding textual input, it is rather a process of making meaning of text using a wide range of critical and intellectual skills and drawing on different cues . Close reading is one example of a theory that explicates the intricacies surrounding effective reading. In close reading, readers need to consider a set of criteria for a better comprehension of the text. Some of the these criteria include: Language, Narrative, Syntax, and Context.

Close attention to the diction or word choice ; identify the words the author chose to repeat or emphasize ?
Close attention to the voice in the story, who is telling the story and how it is told?
Examine the grammatical structures of utterances and the order in which the words appear.
Every text is wrapped within a given context, pay close attention to the historical context and the author background.

In the visual below which I discovered through CoolcatTeacher, ten tips are provided for successful close reading activities. Check them out and weigh in by leaving a comment below.
Here is a quick round-up of the ten tips for close reading success:
  • Select Short Passages
  • Make Your Focus Intense
  • Extend Focus Through the Text
  • Students Markup the Text as They Read
  • Encourage Exploratory Discussions
  • Encourage Rereading
  • Read in Every Subject Area
  • Annotate the Text
  • Use Close Reading Marks Independently
  • Use Close Reading Strategically in Small Bites

team work

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