Sunday, October 26, 2014

Great Tools and Apps for Teacher-Parent Communication

October 26, 2014
Students with parents who are up-to-date on their child(ren)'s lives tend to perform better in school. Fortunately, technology offers a variety of ways that can save teachers time as well as keep parents engaged. Here are some notable tools used by teachers and parents.

Gives teachers a host of ways to collaborate with parents, like newsletters, calendars, fundraisers, and volunteer requests.
Automatically shares classroom photos, notes, and other documents with parents for real-time updates.
Helps parents meet other parents in their neighborhood for playdates, as well as share photos with relatives.
A new service that provides reviews and guides for local kids' activities. Currently offered only in part of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Want more? Check out these collections of tools.

Parent Communication 
 This list is curated by educator Shannon Jackson.
 This one is curated by instructional technologies teacher Kate Reece.

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