Monday, October 27, 2014

Awesome Poster On Digital Literacy

October 28, 2014
Since the uptake of digital media and the boon in internet technologies, digital literacy becomes at the centre of literacy discussion. Digital literacy is not an aim in and of itself but a means to achieving a general goal: enhancing students learning in a digitally focused context.  In other words, by being digitally literate, students will be able to capitalize on the diverse resources provided by the net to create optimal learning experiences.

On a fundamental level, digital literacy involves a mysterious mixture of different "knows": know-how (practical knowledge), know-what (factual knowledge), know-why (critical knowledge),  and know-who (communicational knowledge). Some people confuse digital literacy with computer literacy or with computation and technical skills. To them digital literacy is summarized in practical knowledge which is a blatant fallacy. Being a digital literate requires more than just possessing digital and technical skills, it also calls for many other skills such as synthesizing, evaluating, critiquing, and presenting information. In the visual below, Mark Carbone suggests some really excellent ways to develop digital literacy. I invite you to have a look and share with us what you think of them.

Click here to see the full original visual.

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