Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The 9 Features of A Good Digital Citizen Students Should Know About

December, 2014
Here is a new visual from ISTE on the concept of digital citizenship. The visual outlines some of the features characterizing �good� digital citizens based on attributes of good citizens. The elements of digital citizenship, according to ISTE, � are not so different from the basic tenets of traditional citizenship: Be kind, respectful and responsible, and just do the right thing�. The ideas are pretty basic and will definitely give students a very good initiation into this huge concept of digital citizenship. I would suggest that you print it off and use it in class.

Here is a brief overview of  the  9 features characterizing good digital citizens as displayed in the visual below:
  • Advocates for equal digital rights and access for all.
  • Treats others with respect in online spaces and never cyberbullies.
  • Does not steal or damage others� digital work, identity or property.
  • Makes appropriate decisions when communicating through a variety of digital channels.
  • Uses digital tools to advance their learning and keeps up with changing technologies.
  • Makes responsible online purchasing decisions and protects their payment information.
  • Upholds basic human rights in all digital forums.
  • Protects personal information from outside forces that might cause harm.
  • Proactively limits health risks of technology, from physical to psychological.

9 features of a good digital citizen

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