Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Wonderful PDF App is Now Free

December 11, 2014
Here is a great iPad app that has gone free today and only for a limited time (used to cost ($2.99). PDF Scanner, as its name suggests, enables you to digitize any printed or written piece. You can use it to scan any document and save it in PDF format. One of the best things I  like about PDF Scanner is that it automatically scan double-page book spreads as individual pages and organize these copies in a reference friendly way for you to use at anytime. Student researchers will definitely love this feature. You can also share your scanned documents by email or store them in the cloud.

Some of the things you can do with PDF Scanner include:

  •  Scan excerpts from books and publications for general use, work or study 
  •  Scan receipts, bills, invoices and tracking expenses 
  •  Capture sketches from stickers, napkins and whiteboards
  •  Save hand-written notes and photos 
  • Take records of signed contracts
  • Capture newspaper clips and other useful information like recipes, tips or ads.

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