Thursday, December 18, 2014

Personal Learning Networks: A Short Guide for Teachers and Euducators

December 18, 2014
A Personal Learning Network ( PLN ) is a way, a process, a network of interrelated connections you make for the purposes of discovering, collaborating and sharing ideas and resources. These connections are created based on your learning needs and can be made with like-minded people from all around the world. There are several web technologies and platforms that facilitate and nurture these connections. Below are some examples of web tools you can use to create and expand your PLN. But before that, let me share with you  two of my favourite videos on PLNs.

1- Personal Learning networks by Will Richardson 

2- Personal Learning Networks for Educators

 Read and schedule posts to Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and WordPress using this social media manager.

 See all posts from across Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, and Vine that include a specific #hashtag.

Follow your favorite bloggers and see all of their latest posts using this handy free website.

 Look for local meet ups of educators and establish in-person connections. Or create a meet up of your own.

Set up an alternate phone number that can email, text, and ring you on your own phone.

This collection is curated by high school librarian Tiffany Emerick.

This one is curated by ESL teacher M� Jes�s Garc�a San Mart�n.

 Follow us on : Twitter, Facebook , Google plus, Pinterest .

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