Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Excellent Chromebook Tips and Tricks for Teachers and Educators

December 24, 2014
In today's post I am sharing with you an excellent resource I came across while I was browsing through my bookmarks. This is a presentation created by Jonathan Wylie featuring a wide variety of tips, apps, and other resources you will definitely need in order to make the best of Chromebooks in your teaching. Some of the things you will get to learn from this slideshow include: handy tips on the hidden gems of Chromebook, insights on how to manage your Chromebooks,  educational Chromebook apps, offline Google apps and many more. Jonathan also provides a very good comparison of the prices and affordances of some good Chromebooks out there in case you haven't made your decision on what kind of Chromebook you want to buy.

Check out the Chromebooks 101 slideshow from this link.

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