Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Twitter Search Operators Teachers Should Know about

November, 2014
Twitter search platform  is a powerful search engine that is often underused by our students. Often times, the info you will find on Twitter search is way more precise and relevant than the results you will get from conventional search engines. At its best, Twitter search allows you to search trending topics and resources others are talking about and sharing both synchronously and asynchronously. And one better way to tap into the full educational potential of this tool is to use search operators.

Search operators allow you to refine your search and make it more focused. For instance, you can use these search operators  to look for tweets shared by a specific user, tweets containing particular words or phrases, tweets containing links, tweets from a particular news source, and many more. Below is a useful chart created and shared by Twitter featuring a number of search operators together with their explanations.

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