Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Round-up of The Best iPad Apps for Teachers and Educators

November 4, 2014
Here is a chart I have been working on for the last couple of days. The purpose behind this work is tp provide teachers with a handy resource where they can have free and quick access to some of the best iPad apps to use in their teaching. As you can see below I arranged the apps in such a way that they cover several categories. From apps to creating presentations to apps for grading and creating portfolios, the chart below will assist you take your iPad experience to the next level.

You can also access and download the chart in Google Doc format from this Link.

Presentation Apps
Screencasting Apps
Video creation Apps
File storage Apps
Whiteboard Apps
PDF annotation Apps
Audio Recording Apps
Notetaking Apps
Blogging Apps
Book creation Apps
Comic Strips Apps
Digital Storytelling Apps
Apps for Grading
Mindmapping Apps
Portfolio Apps
Apps for Creating Posters
Apps for Creating Timelines
Apps for Creating Word Clouds
Speech to Text Apps

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