Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Handy Google Scholar Tip for Research Students and Academics

November 10, 2014
Today, I spent some time searching Google Scholar looking for some peer reviewed journal articles for a paper I am working on. However, during the process  it dawned on me to share with you this handy search trick I have been using on Google Scholar to help me with reference mining. If you are a graduate or research student you know exactly how important it is to have access to a ready-made  list of resources pertaining to your research topic. Compiling such a list is not an easy task and requires a lot of time and effort. One way to do it is through checking the reference lists included in journal articles you have read and from there you can look for other resources.

There is also another great way to search for academic resources related to your research topic using Google scholar. Here is how it works. First, head over to Google Scholar and type in your search query. In the search result page, you will see the phrase "cited by" featured under each search result. This feature allow users to see how many people have cited that source but it is also a goldmine of resources to use when looking for academic papers for your topic.

Clicking on the "Cited by" will direct you to a page where you will find other similar research papers that cited the initial source you are interested. Most of those research papers will have some relevance to your own search topic. Browse through them and you will definitely find more resources you will want to look at.

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