Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Handy Assessment Rubric for Book Trailer Activities

November 12, 2014
Yesterday, I posted here a comprehensive article featuring some good resources, tips and tools that teachers and students can use to create and share educational book trailers. In today's post I am sharing with you this handy rubric for assessing book trailers students create. This work is originally shared on Reading Active and Engaging Wiki. This is a very good document to add to the resources I mentioned above.

Book Trailers Assessment Rubric is a framework you can use  to assess book trailers students create. This assessment rubric contains nine categories and 4 columns.  You are to assess students book trailers against each of these categories with a ranking order from low performance to high performance. The major areas to focus on in this assessment are : presentation ( its duration, interest level, persuasion), storyline or plot, audio ( voiceovers, soundtracks), Images, video editing, and audience.
Click here to access Book Trailers Assessment Rubric.

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