Monday, February 2, 2015

Teacher-tested Tools for Flipped Classroom

February 3, 2015
Whether you are just dipping your toe in flipped classroom instruction or have been carrying it out already, the right tools can make a big difference. Here are a set of teacher-tested tools that may help. 

 A vast resource of educational content of all formats, organized visually.
Turn videos on YouTube, Vimeo, or TeacherTube into interactive quizzes.
 Or add images, text, discussions, and quizzes to videos for interactive lessons.
 A Community of Practice is for sharing best practices in flipped classroom instruction.

Want more? Check out these collections of tools.

Flipped Classroom Tools 
This is curated by pre-service teacher Alicia Leonard.
This one is curated by professional development coordinator Marcia Kish.

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